Isaac’s research focuses on how people receive news about critical issues facing them—and about how those news sources are shifting in the face of a rapidly changing world.

Local News in Australia and the United States

Isaac designed and pursued an ambitious honors thesis, and is in the process of interviewing nearly 30 journalists and former journalists in the United States and Australia about local news decline.

Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure

Isaac successfully mapped all public electric vehicle charging infrastructure in the St. Louis metro area and cross-referenced racial and economic data, finding that, without exception, EV infrastructure is inequitably distributed in the area.

Institute for Nonprofit News

Isaac helped facilitate and administer the 2022 INN Index Survey, the largest survey of nonprofit and public-interest newsrooms in the world. He worked directly with a national research team to secure quality data from hundreds of editors across the United States and Canada.

Education News Ecosystems

Isaac co-authored a paper using pandemic-era data from the Kaiser Family Foundation that explored the ways parents and caregivers receive news about their children’s schools. Paper publication in progress.




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